Madras High Court begin Hybrid Hearings to Considering Rise in Covid-19 Cases – A Precautionary Measure

Madras High Court Adopts Hybrid Hearings to Curb Footfall Amidst Rise in Covid Cases
Madras High Court Adopts Hybrid Hearings to Curb Footfall Amidst Rise in Covid Cases

Amidst a surge in Covid cases across Tamil Nadu, the Madras High Court has decided to conduct hearings via the hybrid mode starting April 10th, 2023. This decision comes as a precautionary measure to reduce the footfall in the Court halls and the Court campus.

The Registrar General of the High Court, P Jothiraman, issued a notification on Thursday urging all lawyers and litigants to use the video conference facility as much as possible to reduce crowds in Court halls. The notification also stated that all lawyers and litigants appearing as parties-in-person should opt for e-filing in all cases.

Previously, the High Court had conducted hybrid hearings only on Fridays every week. However, starting Monday, hybrid hearings will be conducted on all days until further orders.

The move towards hybrid hearings is a step in the right direction, considering the rise in Covid cases in Tamil Nadu. It is a proactive measure to ensure the safety of all those involved in the legal proceedings. It also promotes the use of technology in the legal system, making it more accessible and convenient for everyone.

Lawyers and litigants are encouraged to make use of the video conference facility and e-filing to minimize the need for physical appearance in Court. This will help reduce the spread of Covid and also save time and resources.

In conclusion, the Madras High Court’s decision to adopt hybrid hearings is a commendable step towards a safer and more efficient legal system. It is a timely reminder that we must continue to be vigilant in our efforts to curb the spread of Covid while also adapting to the changing needs of the times.

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